Symphony Technoventures Private Limited

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Over the years, the team at symphony has developed a lineup of software products for wide-range of requirements. Ranging from Network Solutions to custom-OS distribution, our products cater to various verticals across diverse corporate horizontals.

SWAN Bandwidth Manager & Internet Gateway

SWAN is a revolutionary solution for Organizations using the Internet Services to utilize their resources efficiently. SWAN is one of our forefront Linux product aimed at the Corporate market, as an economical and quality solution towards many of Corporate requirements.

Key features include:

  • Effective Bandwidth Control and monitoring
  • Smart Caching Mechanism.
  • Extensive and Secure Server Control.
  • Detail User-friendly, Web based Graphical User Interface (GUI) for SWAN Administration.
  • Detailed Log reports.
  • Highly reliable Server based Authentication Module. (No Client Software Installation needed).
  • Can be upgraded easily with add-ons like Mail server, Mp3 streaming server etc.
  • Free Telephonic and Remote support.

Effective Bandwidth Control and Monitoring:

Crucial need of Corporate’s to have control over bandwidth allocation; SWAN is built upon tight algorithms for bandwidth control. Irrespective of any Application software like DAP, Download accelerator etc, the bandwidth consumed remains in the allocated realms. The GUI enables very precise allocation in KBits/sec.

Monitoring is very dynamic with time lag of 2 seconds. Also Incorporated are the MRTG graphs which show day-to-day, weekly, monthly and yearly Bandwidth usage statistics.

Intelligent Caching Mechanism:

In order to decrease Time Latency and bandwidth consumption, one of the most effective caching mechanism forms the backbone. Caching algorithm intelligently enables repetitive page request to be served from the SWAN server itself rather than from the web. Optimal performance has been achieved (40% cache hit) directly influencing 40% reduction in bandwidth consumption and faster browsing.

Comprehensive Server Control:

Included are console based Access Terminals to cater to specify the server parameters like IP addresses, DNS servers etc. Bandwidth monitoring can be done up-to a 2-second resolution. Server shutdown/start, browsing shutdown, Data backup/Recovery etc are also facilitated for. The console can be accessed over the Internet /Intranet over a secure shell.

SWAN Administration:

Although being based entirely on cryptic Linux, SWAN allows administration through a very user friendly and attractive Graphical User Interface. This includes all relevant facilities to control / Monitor Users. Bandwidth distribution is based on pools and configurable per user basis. Search Engine encompasses easy access to relevant user information.

Online Demo

Detail Logs provide access based on bandwidth consumed, Site accessed Internet Time usage etc. Information is based on user ids or machine IP’s. Graphical presentation of bandwidth used, Users online etc are available. Policy per user basis can be provided. This includes Time based or Download based policies.

Authentication Module:

SWAN features a highly reliable authentication module. Being server based, it overcomes problems associated with client software installations. Only Settings at client end required are the gateway and DNS settings.

Functionally it even doesn’t allow ping for logged off users. Users can be Activated/Deactivated based on Internet Policy or administrative requirements.


With the wide Array of other Server software’s available, the same server could be upgraded to additionally function as a Mail server, Ftp Server, MP3 server, etc.

This would be done without interference to existing SWAN setup.

Feature Overview:

  • Allots Bandwidth Per User.
  • Restricts User On Time & Byte Download Basis.
  • List And Perform Search for User/S.
  • Display Online Active Users.
  • Activate/ Deactivate Users.
  • Generate Detail Logs for Users.
  • Track And Bind Mac Address Of Users.
  • Store Log Reports for Specific Period.
  • Remote Access for Administration.
  • Total Bandwidth Monitoring (Uplink and Downlink).
  • Authentication through Server Application or through Client exe.
  • Additional Console Based Server Administration.
  • Internet Usage Reports.
  • Intelligent Caching.
  • Bandwidth Sharing Within Pool
  • Individual Messaging and Mass Messaging.
  • Authentication Enable /Disable per User and Per Pool.
  • Bandwidth Clubbing. (As an add-on module)
  • Enable / Disable Mail Relay Per Network And Per User.
  • Real IP Support
  • Easy Back Up and Restore Facility for Administrators.
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Graphical Analysis Of The Bandwidth Received
  • Acts As An SMTP Relay Server.
  • Bandwidth control based on Users, IP Addresses and Mac addresses.
  • Time /Day wise Content Filtering per user.
  • Blocking of Web sites through DANS Guardian.
iThinc Thin Clients
iThinc is an embedded solution that converts a diskless node into a full-featured thin client, supporting all major connectivity protocols. iThinc launches a small, stateless client that connects to application servers. The iThinc O/S is fully self-contained and communicates with its environment by means of industry standard IP protocols.

The configuration is made with an easy to use graphical Web-based GUI which guides you through the required steps. After booting, the thin client will be capable of accessing any Unix/Linux XDM (X Display Manager) server presenting the graphical login screen or any Microsoft Terminal Server through RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), Citrix ICA server, VNC server etc.

It can access NFS server or other services over low speed connections presents in WAN (Wide
Area Networks) or Internet VPN (Virtual Private Network Environments.)

Because no local devices, such as diskette, cd-rom or hard disks are needed, it will dramatically reduce the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) with clients being as thin as possible.

This means for example, that you can reduce the virus and security incidents in your network to a minimum. But if you need such devices you can configure the clients to use sound, local print services, USB, cd-rom, etc. With no mechanical parts means among many things: less noise, less energy and fewer

Terminal protocols supported.

  • Windows Terminal Services (RDP). Support for RDP 4.x, 5.x protocols.
  • Supported OS includes Windows NT, 2000, 2003 and XP.
  • Citrix ICA and Manager Consoles
  • X-Terminal (XDM) for Unix/Linux.
  • TightVNC
  • SSH
  • Telnet
  • Tarantella
  • Local Windows Desktop for Local Applications.

Other features.

  • Support for Laptops.
  • Display Support form 8-bit to 32-bit based on Server Operating System
  • Remotely administer thin clients using VNC and telnet
  • Network card and video card auto detection
  • Eliminates Client/Node Desktop Hardware Upgrades, since all computing is on
    the server.
  • Centralized Administration.
  • Centralized Software Upgrades. (To be done only on the Server.)
  • Maintenance free with no possibility of OS corruption.
  • Read-only file system on iThinc, thus providing highest protection against
    software corruption or virus attacks.
  • Provision for fallback options for booting the node from various sources, viz
    Local boot (DOM), Remote boot (PXE) and Local Hard Disk boot if required.
  • Typical Setup time for iThinc solution is very small with least changes required
    in existing network setup.
SSDS is an exhaustive Media Display and Management system to manage operations for Media Content. Component modules include subsystems that include OS, Server Softwares, Player with Codecs, Media Management and Schedulers.

The Turnkey Digital Signage Solution incorporates :

  • Server & Player Hardware
  • Infrastrucutre Backbone Designing
  • Embedded Digital Signage OS
  • Centralized Server Software

Software Features

  • OS with Linux Kernel 2.6
  • Includes inbuilt Webserver, Database and FTP Server.
  • Network Utilities for self-configuration and connectivity to LAN/WAN/Internet.
  • Firewall and System-level Security.
  • Hardware Auto-detection & Configuration.
    Campaign Management
  • Media Repository management with support for most existing media formats.
  • Support for Live feeds and other non-conventional displays like rtsp, smb, rtp, radio, TV, mms, mmtp etc.
    Scheduling based on Date with minute-level resolution.
  • Prioritizing Campaigns.Display Management
  • Subtitle Management.
  • Interface Settings
  • Image Rendering
  • Audio Control
  • TV tuningStreaming Server

    Network Booting and OS Configuration Control of Signage Device (Optional)




  • Independent of Client Environment.
  • Web-Enabled for anytime, anyplace access.
  • Scalable to handle Multi-location Operations.
  • Upgradeable to incorporate newer technologies.
  • Automated Business flows at selective junctions to manage ease of operations.
  • Provision to be integrated to SMS & Mailing Solutions.
  • Secure through Multiple level logins.
  • Provision for 128-bit Encryption based security.
  • Stable enough to run 24 x 7 Operations.
  • Provision for Replication of Data across multiple servers for enhanced redundancy.